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26 Voigtlander / Voigtländer manuals + 224 photos very good quality. PFDs DOWNLOAD!

26 Voigtlander / Voigtländer manuals + 224 photos very good quality. PFDs DOWNLOAD!

Regular price $ 12.95 USD
Regular price Sale price $ 12.95 USD
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If you’ve seen our auctions before you’ll know that we enjoy collecting, servicing and using classic cameras. Collecting is a real passion for us and we search everywhere to find interesting cameras for your collections, as well as our own. For years we’ve regularly received emails asking us if we can provide information and manuals about the various Voigtlander classic cameras.

Well, as promised, we’ve finally organized a large collection of information as well as scanning our extensive library of original items to create unique Voigtlander data stuffed full of delicious details. In it you’ll find instruction manuals and a user booklet with countless charming period illustrations & photos that can clear up questions that you may have and help you identify models.

As an extra addition, we’ve included a large number of big beautiful, high resolution photos of classic Voigtlander cameras from the early 1930’s to the late l950’s (currently in our private collection or previously serviced and sold by us.)

In short, this download contains many hours of enjoyment that is both informative as well as occasionally amusing. It will give you an excellent insight into the rich history and the diversity of these excellent cameras.

The download features a large number of quality scans in a PDF format that makes it very easy to print up the information or manual cleanly and clearly. Instead of surfing the internet, dealing with illegible reprints or buying one manual at a time, you’ll have everything at your finger tips. In one easy purchase you’ll have access to hard to find documentation that’s taken us many years to acquire. In total there are 250 files with over 1 Gb of information,. To give you an idea of what’s available to you on it, here’s a list of the contents:


Bessa I Instructions for use(E).pdf (Manual, 34 pages, English, ++)

Bessa II synchro-compur Instruction for use(E).pdf (Manual, 30 pages, English, ++)

Bessa with rangefinder instruction book (E).pdf (Manual, 28 pages, English, ++)

Bessa Scale Focus English.pdf (Manual, 25 pages, English, +)

Bessa I Gebrauchsanleitung (G).pdf (Manual, 28 pages, German, ++)

Bessa II Gebrauchsanleitung (G).pdf (Manual, 26 pages, German, +)

Bessa II Synchro-compur Gebrauchsanleitung (G).pdf (Manual, 32 pages, German, ++)

Voigtlander Bessa mit Entferningsmesser Gebrauchsanleitung (G).pdf (Manual, 28 pages, German, +)


Bessamatic Instructions for use (E).pdf (Manual, 36 pages, English, ++)


Prominent II instruction for use (E).pdf (Manual, 33 pages, English, ++)


Superb instructions book (E).pdf (Manual, 32 pages, English, ++)


The Ultramatic in use (E).pdf (Manual, 32 pages, English, ++)


Vitessa Instructions for use (E).pdf (Manual, 36 pages, English, +)


Vito Automatic II Instructions for use (E).pdf (Manual, 28 pages, English, ++)

Vito B Instruction for use (E).pdf (Manual, 36 pages, English, ++)

Vito C instructions for use (E).pdf (Manual, 24 pages, English, ++)

Vito CD instructions for use (E).pdf (Manual, 28 pages, English, ++)

Vito CL CLR instructions for use.pdf (Manual, 32 pages, English, ++)

Vito Guide The Focal Press.pdf

Vito: Automatic, CLR, CL, CD, C, BR, BI, B, III, IIa, II, I (Booklet, 90 pages, English, ++)

Vito II instructions for use(E).pdf (Manual, 30 pages, English, ++)

Vito IIa instructions for use(E).pdf (Manual, 36 pages, English, ++)

Vito III instructions for use(E).pdf (Manual, 22 pages, English, ++)

Vito B Large VF Gebrauchsanleitung (G) (Manual, 34 pages, German, ++)


Vitomatic Ib IIb IIIb Gebrauchsanleitung (G).pdf (Manual, 40 pages, German, ++)

Vitomatic IIa Gebrauchsanleitung (G).pdf (Manual, 32 pages, German, ++)


Perkeo II Gebrauchsanleitung (G).pdf (Manual, 36 pages, German, +/-)

Camera photos

Big beautiful high resolution photos of classic Voigtlander cameras (currently in our private collection or previously sold by us.)

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