RARE! 1941 German Navy Zeiss-Ikon Contax Camera, Freshly Serviced
$ 1,184.00 USD
1937 6x9 Super Ikonta with Tessar Lens, CLA'd, Freshly Serviced!
$ 395.00 USD
1936 Nagel-Kodak 6x4.5 Duo camera, CLA'd, Freshly Serviced!
$ 165.00 USD
Near mint! 1939 Zeiss Ikon Contax II Body, CLA'd, Freshly Serviced!
$ 625.00 USD
1935 Art-Deco Nickel-plated Rolleicord CLA's, Freshly Serviced!
Frank & Heidecke
$ 495.00 USD
1931 ZEISS-IKON ICARETTE, 6x9 German folding camera with Carl Zeiss Tessar lens. Freshly Serviced, CLA’d
$ 345.00 USD
1937 WELTA WELTUR, CLA’d 6x6 Medium format, Coupled Rangefinder Camera, FRESHLY SERVICED!
$ 445.00 USD
SUPERB! 1938 Zeiss Ikon Super Ikonta 6x6, Tessar lens, Freshly Serviced!
$ 525.00 USD
SUPERB! 1936 Rolleicord CLA's, Freshly Serviced!
SUPERB 1937 Rodenstock 6x6, CLA'd, FRESHLY SERVICED!
$ 195.00 USD
1934 Voigtlander 6x6 Superb TLR, the desirable model with “big ears”, CLA'd, Freshly Serviced!
SUPERB! 1937 Zeiss Ikon Super Ikonta 6x9, Tessar lens, CLA'd, FRESHLY SERVICED!
$ 575.00 USD
1926 Voigtlander Bergheil Camera with HELIAR LENS! Freshly serviced CLA’d
$ 425.00 USD
1939 Zeiss Ikon Contax II Body, CLA'd, Freshly Serviced!
$ 545.00 USD
1937 Zeiss Ikon Super Ikonta, Tessar, CLA'd, Freshly Serviced!
Rare! 1925 Héard & Mallinjod Hémax. CLA’d, Freshly Serviced!
Héard & Mallinjod
$ 375.00 USD
1935 Voigtlander Bessa Rangefinder with HELIAR LENS! 6x9, Freshly Serviced, CLA'd.
1935 Voigtlander Inos II 6x9 Folder. CLA’d, Freshly Serviced!
1938 Certo Super Dollina, 35mm coupled rangefinder camera with case, CLA'd, Freshly Serviced!
$ 295.00 USD
1935 Art Deco Kodak 6x9 camera, Freshly Serviced, CLA’d
$ 265.00 USD
1934 Old Standard Rolleiflex, Freshly Serviced, CLA’d
1933 Voigtlander 6x9 Folder with HELIAR lens, CLA'd FRESHLY SERVICED!
Minolta 35mm Prod 20’s Cult Camera with Original cap, pouch & instructions.
$ 155.00 USD
1942 LEITZ LEICA IIIc “stepper”, Desirable WWII model with red shutter curtains, CLA'd, Freshly Serviced!
$ 1,045.00 USD