1937 Zeiss-Ikon Super Ikonta B


The Super Ikonta B was an absolute masterpiece and in my opinion it was the best prewar rangefinder camera ever produced. This 6x6, coupled rangefinder camera was produced in Germany from the 1935 to 1957 by Zeiss-Ikon. It’s fit, finish and performance was superb. It featured an exquisite Carl Zeiss Jena f2.8/80mm Tessar lens, fitted in a Compur-Rapid shutter which was the finest shutter of the prewar era.  It was a surprisingly heavy camera and internally surprisingly complex. However its mass helped dampen out camera shake  and increased its performance with the slow film of the period. A properly serviced and adjusted Super Ikonta B is a joy to use and has been a dependable photographic companion to many photographers over many decades. However you must know how to operate it correctly. If you do, it will reward you with many years of reliable photographic pleasure

Here are some photos taken with a 1937 6x6 Super Ikonta B which we had the pleasure of having in our shop. The current owner hails from New York and he was kind enough to share his photos with us.  These photos were taken in New York. Copyright 2016 Ray Vickers. All rights reserved.